Frequently asked questions
Why do I need a home fire sprinkler system?
Apart from saving lives, fire sprinkler systems also prevent your property from destruction by fire. In fact, according to firesprinklerinitiative.org fire sprinklers reduce the average property loss per home by about 70%. A lot of homeowners have seen insurance rates decrease because of this.
Don't they result in a lot of water damage?
No, fire sprinklers actually use a lot less water than you would think. They are designed to activate within the early stages of a fire. Only the sprinkler heads that are in the direct vicinity of the fire will activate. Most fires are controlled with the activation of only one or two sprinklers. Fire hoses used by the fire department, use on average 8 times more water than fire sprinklers do to contain a fire, potentially causing greater damage.
Can smoke trigger the fire sprinkler system?
No, fire sprinklers are activated only by extremely high temperatures. Only a fire that is a considerable threat can generate enough heat to activate one.
Does a home fire sprinkler system require a lot of maintenance?
No. It is just recommended that you have a yearly inspection done to ensure everything is functioning properly. The system is designed to operate for 20 years or more without maintenance.
How reliable are they?
Fire sprinklers have a history of proven reliability. In fact, according to the U.S. Fire Administration, sprinkler systems exceed a 95% “fail-safe” status in laboratory testing.
What if my home is rural and will not be connected to a public water supply?
Even if you live in a remote area, your home is not excluded from fire sprinkler protection and it is of even higher benefit to you to have one. A fire sprinkler systems response will be much quicker than that of the fire department. We use self-contained water tanks to supply the sprinkler system. They are designed to fit in your garage or any other storage area of your home.